David Owen

Plymouth, UK

I was a relative latecomer to karate starting training in 2009 at the age of 26.
But after I stared to study Shotokan I fell in love and reached shodan in 2011.

I joined DSKC in 2014 where my training truly began under Sensei Colin Putt, and I am proud to be a member of what I consider my extended family within SKDUN. Under Sensei Putt I attained the rank of nidan in 2016 and sandan in 2020.

Along the way I have become a qualified adaptive karate coach (for students with disabilities) in 2018. I qualified as a national kata and kumite judge in 2016.
Most importantly I have met some remarkable people and I have made many friends from across the world through our shared love of karate.

Karate has helped to push me outside of my comfort zone and encouraged me to do more than I thought I was capable of.

My particular areas of interest are in understanding the history and philosophy within the Budo and the development of kata and waza, and adaptive karate to allow anyone, regardless of any barriers, to enjoy and find fulfilment through training.

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